We are the premier resource in New England for organizations seeking to provide higher quality care to individuals and their families through a focus on person-centered thinking. Guided by Roy Gerstenberger, an executive with decades of experience in human services, it is the first organization that is wholly focused on being a learning community and ongoing resource for leadership and staff seeking to integrate person-centered services into everyday practices.OUR SERVICES ARE DESIGNED TO SUPPORT: • Agency Directors – Ensuring that your agency attends to your mission of person-centered care as a core value • Employees – Helping you design a smart approach to providing the right skill training to the right people • State Agencies – Facilitating the implementation of person centered system of care • Provider Agencies – Creating effective communication strategies and collaborative engagement between the various levels of a service delivery system. Strengthening recruitment and retention of valued employees • Credentialed Person-Centered Thinking (PCT) Facilitators – Helping to solve the problem of isolation, diminished passion and how to access the knowledge gained by the experience of others in different sectors and audiences • Parent Advocates and Self-Advocates – Providing assistance in self-managed services and active participation in service planning. Learning discovery processes to explore ways to introduce yourself and your loved ones to those who are paid to provide assistance in a way that helps them get an early understanding of personal gifts and value and how to keep what is important to you in mind in a balanced way.