Guardian Youth Care (GYC) is an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander controlled, not for profit, residential out of home care provider. The program provides varying residential support options for both Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander and non-Aboriginal children and young people between 12 and 18 years of age. GYC has been operating residential care homes in Sydney for over a decade and has cared for over 300 children and young people in that time. GYC seeks to provide a homelike environment for children and young people that promote positive personal change. We firmly believe that positive change is predominately brought about by the positive input provided by Youth Workers. Considering that Youth Workers spend the most time with children and young people in our care, it is logical to expect that the input offered by their function is the most likely to act as a catalyst for positive change. Youth Workers remain positive by adhering to the program principles established at GYC. This principle is particularly relevant when working with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children and young people. At GYC we believe that every child deserves the right to be raised in an environment that connects them with the culture and spiritual heritage.Guardian Youth Care is an organisation with strong ties to its community, making use of its local knowledge and expertise in its service delivery.Guardian Youth Care work with and care for children and young people that have been affected by trauma, abuse and neglect. The children and young people have more often experienced multiple placements and require a service that will provide a clear set of practices that really make a difference. This Practice Framework seeks to set out Guardian Youth Care's principles of working with its clients, identify the evidence bases that support the practice the organisation undertakes, and list the techniques that are utilised in supporting the organisation's clients.