Luxury Life Brands Inc. - "Where Trends Start!", and CEO Roy Perlmuter are committed to discovering, creating, and offering unique lifestyle products that are both high quality and affordable. We offer such lines as: Everything Ion, a collection of products including Anti-Radiation handsets infused with Tourmaline, Leela by Deepak Chopra a unique and exclusive line of yoga products, Luxury Automated Retail "Powered by the Future" which delivers concepts direct to consumers. In January 2015 Luxury Life Brands Inc. launched Logical Long-term Business Solutions (LLB Solutions), which is a service that aids companies in sorting through the massive amount of information in today's world. Luxury Life Brands is capable of measuring and analyzing this information and helping a business determine a clear path of action to meet their goals. Luxury Life Brands and its CEO Roy Perlmuter believe that giving back is the truest sign of success and are proud to support a number of charities including: CANFAR, American Heart Association, The CURE Foundation, Children's Miracle Network, The Princess Margaret Hospital, and many more.