Since the Integrated World was founded in 1996 we see ourselves as pioneers for the electronic data communication. We increase the efficiency and profitability for our customers – from plain interface-portals to complex platform-solutions combining several web-shop-portals – following a digital cross-linking-strategy of organisations.Applying our solutions will lead to optimizations of interdepartmental internal processes. Following our consequent philosophy by integrating all existing systems (as inventory management systems, enterprise ressource planning systems, planning systems generally, configurator systems, etc.) independent of the persisting internal IT-infrastructure, we lay the foundation for a sustainable integration of various worlds.Since 2012 we follow a further ambitious objective: the digital linking-up of cities and regions by integrating organic worlds (as retail, commerce, associations, city, etc.) and individual worlds (as citizens and visitors).Whenever worlds are getting connected, we support the setting-up and roll-out of sustainable communities. As a result of our philosophy we maintain and support more than 1.500 organisations europe-wide with more than 30 Mio. business transactions per year.Disclaimer:Integrated Worlds GmbHMain OfficeMax-Eyth-Str. 3871088 HolzgerlingenTel. +49 (0) 7031 - 46 17 30Fax. +49 (0) 7031 - 46 17 50service[at]integrated-worlds.comSitz der Gesellschaft: Weil im SchönbuchGeschäftsführer: Klaus Bröhl, Patrick SönkeHRB 244011, Registergericht: Stuttgart – Umsatzsteuer-ID: DE 178 964 426