U.S. households have experienced a steady increase in both frequency and duration of power outages over the last 15 years, according to research from Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. The United States has the highest number of power-outage minutes of any developed nation. Our electricity grid is 100 years old and was not built for today's vastly increased population and extreme weather events. California's largest utility, PG&E, estimates it will need $75 billion to $150 billion over several years to make the grid more secure, a cost that will be passed on to customers. Our grid needs to be modernized to meet the increasing demands of a plugged-in society. Adding a home battery unit powered by residential solar panels can store enough electricity to power homes through peak usage hours, thereby giving households the freedom to control their family's electricity. Home batteries, along with solar panels, are also available to buffer against the rolling blackouts introduced by electric companies for wildfire prevention. Today's antiquated grid means that even communities not directly threatened by wildfires will experience power outages. All PG&E customers are at risk of losing power this summer, impacting up to 16 million people. With a residential solar system, your home is powered by rooftop solar panels during the day and by energy stored in the battery at night.By installing solar panels, you gain energy independence. Solar panels and home batteries are becoming more affordable, accessible, resilient, and efficient. They provide peace of mind and energy security for households when the power goes out, or the next storm strikes. Choose the Right Solar's home battery system replenishes with energy generated from the sun and removes the inconvenience, uncertainty, and expense of refueling a gas or diesel-powered generator. The clean and silent Brightbox battery is a preferred alternative for many families to a traditional backup generator.