Rudy Gonzales

Creative, Communications, and Design at CPT USA LLC, DBA Cockpit USA - New York, NY, US

Rudy Gonzales's Contact Details
New York,New York,United States
Rudy Gonzales's Company Details
CPT USA LLC, DBA Cockpit USA logo, CPT USA LLC, DBA Cockpit USA contact details


New York, NY, US • 18 Employees

Cockpit USA is a made in the USA fashion brand, built on the firm foundations of an affinity for leather, aviation & an all-American heritage since 1975. Mission In today's society where our clothes often reflect our individuality, we should cherish the ability to stand apart from the crowd in the CockpitTM USA collection. Our passion is to preserve the heritage of American life styles and take pride in reminiscing about the classic iconic eras of American fashion. Description From the Founders of Avirex LTD. was born Cockpit USA. The first to bring Vintage and contemporary Aviation/ Military inspired apparel back into fashion starting in the mid 1970's. It has evolved from military influence to include classic american heritage styles and symbolize the rugged yet stylish fashions of American Culture. Since that time there have been many imitators but there is only one original. Working closely with the USAF we helped bring back the A-2 Flight Jacket into military use in 1987, have supplied Navy, Marine, and Coast Guard Units, as well as many foreign Militaries. We have been fan favorites of Civilian Pilots, Air Show Performers, Military Pilots, Movie Stars, Sports Stars, and the function and fashion conscious who look for high quality outerwear, predominantly made in the USA. We strive to produce a quality garment that can last years and be passed down generations.

outterwear apparel aviation apparel military apparel mens apparel american usa made in usa graphic t-shirts outerwear leather bomber jackets women's outerwear women's outerwear B2C Retail Miscellaneous Retail Stores Nec
Details about CPT USA LLC, DBA Cockpit USA
Frequently Asked Questions about Rudy Gonzales
Rudy Gonzales currently works for CPT USA LLC, DBA Cockpit USA.
Rudy Gonzales's role at CPT USA LLC, DBA Cockpit USA is Creative, Communications, and Design.
Rudy Gonzales's email address is *** To view Rudy Gonzales's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Rudy Gonzales works in the Retail industry.
Rudy Gonzales's colleagues at CPT USA LLC, DBA Cockpit USA are Cienna Knights, Lydia Yap, Jeff Clyman, Jacky Clyman, Donald Youngner, Tammy Butler and others.
Rudy Gonzales's phone number is 212-575-1616
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