ATTRACTION & TRANSACTIONWe provide innovation facilities to customer-oriented companies and local government in Belgium and The Netherlands. Being convinced that innovation is a matter of ‘mindset' in the first place, ‘a way of doing business' that can be unlocked. We strongly believe in empowered people for they are the ones who generate business value and transform knowledge into innovation. Our USP: ‘Make it happen' & ‘Together'.So let's use your and our talent to create momentum for your teams so that everyone can deliver their innovations at high speed and low risk. Those teams really unlock the ability to add new value! Over and over again.Our services and guarantees :• full-service guidance and support towards a steady innovation-rate in products / services / processes. Using reality-checked techniques and innovation-cultural drivers.• seasoned-skilled project management and project-challenge• hands-on workshops, training, and inspiring keynotes• facilitating and mastering cultural change towards high-commitment innovation using co-coaching and co-creation as leverageThe services and facilities Blue Ocean Company delivers are state-of-the-art:1. hands-on: output and momentum are the engines2. inspiring: excitement as fuel, on a daily basis3. empowering: innovation starts as a mindset, so every spark begins within the