You'll find that I am an uncommon person, and the better you get to know me, the more uncommon I am. You see, unlike many of today's young tyros and hotshot whatevers, I like to do lots of different things. I've done even more, some of which I'd rather not do any more. Since I like to do these things, I can do for/with you or somebody you know who needs them done/wants to do them. (I can write simple sentences too, but that wasn't one of them.) Here's a list of things I can do for you. * Build a web site using Web2.0 concepts, or Feng Shui yours. * Setup and manage your virtual office. I get kudos for this work * Write software applications. Yes I have a resume, but that's so-o-o boring. * Fix, disinfect and make reasonably secure your computer or network. * I know a little about Waldorf/Steiner and home schooling while traveling. * Speaking of travel, our family traveled around the world. Wrote a blog about it. A book is in the works. * Find you a (whatever you're needing), usually for less than you think. * I've been known to drive a MuteAnt. * I'm a sought after tactician/navigator on sailboats from Angela McFarland's 17 foot Thistle to Steve Randers 70 foot 'Rage' . * Teach sailing skills from dinghy racing to coastal cruising. * Manage facilities for an outdoor marketing event (like Corvallis Fall Festival) or school * Build a compost pile (biodynamic if you like) Sorry, they insisted on 250 characters.