Activewhere is a Business Software Company, specialized in Distribution, Home and Office Deliveries (Water Coolers, Coffee, Field Services) and Rental Companies, worldwide, using every way possible to innovate in technology, stimulate business ideas and adopt cost saving procedures, providing tools that will upgrade not only your software, not only the performance of the users, but the services as a whole.As a very focus and specialized software company, the implementation projects are extremely efficient due to the knowledge acquire over the years in all kinds of companies within our specialties, across the world regions where the projects took us, bringing the expertize not only to the software itself, as a natural outcome, but also to the processes that the technologies and the learnings, form both sides, accomplish.Specialized businesses:• Bottled Water Coolers Distributors• Point of Use Water Coolers Distributors• Office Coffee Distributions• Hygiene Distributors• Field Services• Equipment's RentalsActivewhere is being used in more than 25 countries, is multi-language and fully tested in most Europe countries, Southern Africa, Brazil, Middle East and Asia.