Caring Minds C.I.C. is a social enterprise established in 2010, dedicated to supporting children and young people who live with, or care for someone with a mental health issue (who are sometimes referred to as ‘Young Carers'). It was established out of the experience of its founder Natasha Jordan, who experienced this role as many do in relative isolation, feeling her situation to be unique. Now having worked in many different mental health services over the past ten years she has developed the skills to deliver her dream of supporting other young people who find themselves in similar situations.The most recent Census shows that there was 228 Young Carers in Taunton Deane in 2001, a third of which care for someone with a mental health issue. This figure only shows the number of young people who realise they are carers. The majority of people caring for someone with a mental health issue, don't even realise they are doing so or for whatever reason are reluctant to discuss their caring; they are refered to as 'hidden carers' - and are likely to be the people who are most in need of support. For this reason, Caring Minds will not limit services, and make it available to young people who live with someone with a mental health issue.