Kennedy Partners Wealth is an independent, boutique, private investment wealth adviser. We manage assets on behalf of clients who are wholesale or sophisticated investors, family offices, foundations, not for profits and Significant Investment Visa (SIV) applicants.Leveraging our many decades of global wealth management experience we offer tailored and objective wealth management services aligned to the specific needs of each client. Wealth management advice is implemented based client goals and solutions, not products.The focus of our investment strategies is:To fully understand the needs of our clients and establish a long term financial partnership.To identify and implement wealth creation opportunities focused to achieve the highest returns on a risk adjusted basisTo maintain a diversified asset allocation strategy which takes into account the cyclical nature of global markets.Kennedy Partners Wealth has its own Australian Financial Services Licence which allows it to partner with a number of key global service providers who combine to offer more secure, efficient and high-performance wealth management solutions to manage clients' wealth.AFSL No 411324