Strategies for continued growth in 2014 and beyond!Web Source International, Inc. has produced a one of kind business support system for anyone looking at getting into business for themselves and taking part of the projected 8 trillion dollar e-commerce market that will emerge over the next 5 years, and is currently going into momentum over the next 12 months.The first thing that WSI recognizes is that the single biggest source of customers during the next five years is the development of App Technology. Within our strategic partnership are divisions designed to play a major role in creating the channels through which business is transacted both now and over the next ten years.With the recent acquisition of some of the top rated technology in mobile website solutions, we are able to provide the highest quality apps, websites, commercial small business websites at the lowest affordable prices to begin to provide small to intermediate sized businesses with the type of internet presence they require to be successful today.The market for small business websites is massive and untapped. What does this mean for you? *Today there are more than 1.8 billion internet users *By 2016 here will be 2.5 billion internet users *Today less than 45 of the 50 million small businesses in North America have an mobile apps or e-commerce presence over the internet. *By 2016 that number will grow to over 75 percent What our company does is proactively go out and move apps and websites in the small business and local school district marketplace which is absolutely skyrocketing at a rate of over 6000 %. Literally 8 out of 10 businesses and schools you talk to will be a possible customer for website start up or revamping. The products we are offering is a stand alone, commercial, secure, e-commerce website that will allow virtually any business to become more successful in today's marketplace.