Each day we awake to compete again... we awake to recompete. The world is competitive. Each day, at every obstacle, within every problem, we have the opportunity to compete. Though the extremes of severity may vary, this daily cycle of competition never ends. Recompete is a company focused on developing cutting-edge learning systems. These learning systems have, at their core, the ability to transform perspective. The intention of our company is to encourage healthy competition. We do this by helping our students identify where they are now, where they want to be and how they can get there.We know that through proper instruction and access to useful technologies, young people can now control the way the digital world perceives them. Our single mission is to provide a technology to students that will help them establish and control their digital reputation. We know that a good reputation, specifically a digital reputation, is becoming more and more important.At Recompete, we have developed a technology that brings a capability of reputation control never before available in its current form. Young people now have the choice to influence the digital world with a reputation they desire and then can act accordingly in their day to day lives.Are we being searched online? Yes, of course... The real question is, what are you doing to defend your reputation...?