M-Co Engineering Plus has provided professional consulting mechanical engineering services since 1995 in Northern New-England. M-Co is proud to offer a wide variety of services including but not limited to Project Management, Energy Modeling & Analysis, Design of HVAC & Plumbing, Code Analysis & Application, Commissioning & Energy Program Certifications.Russell A. Martin, PE has been performing mechanical engineering in Northern New England since 1973. Jacob Martin, PE joined the M-Co team to assist in providing clients a wide variety of professional consulting services. M-Co regularly utilizes additional consultants and technical support staff as appropriate for selected projects in order to provide a consulting team optimized to the specific needs of individual clients.Projects and clients have included educational, governmental, municipal, institutional, industrial, commercial, architectural, multi-family housing, historical, healthcare and residential. Clients also include general and mechanical contractors, developers, private & public facilities owners, and sub-contracted design assistance for architectural / engineering firms.The firm has specialized expertise in energy solutions and high-performance HVAC design, including laboratories, chilled water systems and energy recovery. Designs are formulated and optimized utilizing extensive expertise and high technology software including Energy Modeling, Building Information Modeling (BIM), Engineering Economic & Lifecycle Costing & Cost Estimating. M-Co Engineering Plus is committed to assist clients with a long term perspective to reduce energy costs and obtain sustainable solutions.