President/CEO/Owner at Three-Sixty Solutions, Inc. - Le Roy, New York, United States
Three-Sixty Solutions is an international importing and exporting company that has a strong focus on cross link foams, closed cell foams, PE foams, impression foam and EVA foams. These foams, branded with the Solu-Cell family name, are top quality and are offered at very competitive pricing.Focusing on the conversion and fabrication market in North America and specifically in the pedorthic and orthopedic market, Three-Sixty Solutions helps it customer chose, sample and spec in new materials and source them in a price competitive manner - ultimately allowing it's customers to reduce their overall cost and grow their bottom line.Three-Sixty Solutions also offers full manufacturing, sourcing and distributions services for your product needs. Strong sourcing, quality control and logistics departments allow for turn key solutions for all of our customers. Strategically located between Rochester, NY and Buffalo, NY right on the NY State Thruway, there is a strong location that allows for distribution that covers the Mid-West, Ontario, the North East and the Mid Atlantic region with great ease.