Ryan Clayton

Communications Coordinator at Green Party of Vancouver - N/A, N/A, CA

Ryan Clayton's Colleagues at Green Party of Vancouver
Ryan Clayton's Contact Details
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Green Party of Vancouver
Ryan Clayton's Company Details
Green Party of Vancouver logo, Green Party of Vancouver contact details

Green Party of Vancouver

N/A, N/A, CA • 100 - 249 Employees

The Green Party of Vancouver, your sustainable political alternative since 1984.Think the Green Party is only about the environment? Think again.Green Parties worldwide are developing policies and strategies to tackle head-on the economic crisis and at the same time lay the foundations for a sustainable and fair society. Ask yourself - what other political parties have such global partners or vision?Green Parties around the world share common values as expressed in the Charter of the Global Greens. The policies of the Green Party of Vancouver are based on these six fundamental principles:Ecological WisdomWe acknowledge that human beings are part of the natural world and we respect the specific values of all forms of life, including non-human species.Non-ViolenceWe declare our commitment to non-violence and strive for a culture of peace and cooperation between states.Social JusticeWe assert that the key to social justice is the equitable distribution of resources to ensure that all have full opportunities for personal and social development.SustainabilityWe recognize the scope for the material expansion of society within the biosphere, and the need to maintain biodiversity through the use of renewable resources.Participatory DemocracyWe strive for a democracy in which all citizens have the right to express their views, and are able to directly participate in decisions which affect their lives.Respect for DiversityWe honour and value equally the Earth's biological and ecological diversity together with the context of individual responsibility toward all beings.

Details about Green Party of Vancouver
Frequently Asked Questions about Ryan Clayton
Ryan Clayton currently works for Green Party of Vancouver.
Ryan Clayton's role at Green Party of Vancouver is Communications Coordinator.
Ryan Clayton's email address is ***@vangreens.ca. To view Ryan Clayton's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Ryan Clayton works in the Government industry.
Ryan Clayton's colleagues at Green Party of Vancouver are and others.
Ryan Clayton's phone number is N/A
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