Muda: Japanese term for wastefulness, uselessness.With upwards of $5 Billion lost annually to medical waste, we are a community of healthcare facilities and healthcare suppliers who believe in a smarter, more cost effective solution in reducing expired medical supplies and it's burdensome waste. Who says you can't sell your idle supplies directly to another facility who can use them before they expire?We also believe your unwanted capital equipment is still an asset which is why we help connect you with facilities across the world who will purchase it directly from YOU. No middlemen involved. Why not liquidate the room full of unwanted used capital equipment? Post it, sell it and we'll even help move it.At Muda Medical, we believe our focus on YOU the customer sets us apart. We provide the most seamless and user-friendly experience while going above and beyond to ensure each transaction is a success. Sign up for free today and allow us to prove it!