Ryan Gundersen

Senior Consultant at Cavanaugh Macdonald Consulting Consultants - Bellevue, NE, US

Ryan Gundersen's Contact Details
Plainfield,Illinois,United States
Cavanaugh Macdonald Consulting Consultants
Ryan Gundersen's Company Details
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Cavanaugh Macdonald Consulting Consultants

Bellevue, NE, US • 20 - 49 Employees

Senior consultants with an average of more than 25 years of experience serving the public sector. That's the CMC difference. We're innovative and independent, seasoned, creative and technically proficient. We believe governmental clients deserve thought leaders who also are dedicated to client service. That's the CMC promise: providing you the advice to help your benefit plans thrive.We are the retained actuary and health care consultant for statewide and municipal retirement systems and health care plans. In fact, we work only for state and local government pension and benefit plans.Philosophy & HistoryCMC is staffed by seasoned consultants who are dedicated to serving public sector benefit plans. We are leaders in the public sector consulting community, providing thoughtful and innovative solutions that enable public sector benefit plans to thrive. We provide impartial advice and maintain our independence from political and other outside influences.CMC was founded to offer state and local governments the experience and dedication they deserve in retaining actuarial consulting services for their employee pension and benefit plans. Our capabilities are well recognized by the public sector pension plan community, as evidenced by our substantial client list.Our strengths include: ▪ Consultants with an average of more than 25 years of experience serving public sector benefit plans — the expertise and knowledge of our staff regarding public sector actuarial consulting is as great if not greater than any of our competitors. ▪ Service as the retained actuary for multiple statewide and municipal retirement and health care plans. ▪ Strong ability to effectively communicate actuarial matters to Boards, staff and other constituents. ▪ Centralized production of technical work allowing for greater efficiency and cost-effectiveness in service delivery to our clients nationwide. ▪ An organizational structure that allows flexibility to meet client needs and to provide a high level of client/staff interaction.These strengths drive our success and make us the leading public sector actuarial consultants in the country. We are committed to maintaining our focus and building on our success.Our primary business is the provision of actuarial and consulting services to state and local government pension and benefit plans. In fact, we work only for state and local government pension and benefit plans.

Details about Cavanaugh Macdonald Consulting Consultants
Frequently Asked Questions about Ryan Gundersen
Ryan Gundersen currently works for Cavanaugh Macdonald Consulting, LLC.
Ryan Gundersen's role at Cavanaugh Macdonald Consulting, LLC is Senior Consultant.
Ryan Gundersen's email address is ***@cavmacconsulting.com. To view Ryan Gundersen's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Ryan Gundersen works in the Financial Services industry.
Ryan Gundersen's colleagues at Cavanaugh Macdonald Consulting Consultants are Nadia Williams, Patrice Beckham, Bryan Hoge, Chasmin Johnson, Todd Green, Brad Wild, Nathaniel Hutchinson and others.
Ryan Gundersen's phone number is 678-388-1700
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