LogSmarter™ is nutrition tracking software that uses machine learning to help people reach their fitness goals. You tell us your demographic information and whether you want to gain muscle or lose fat. From there our proprietary machine learning algorithm will generate a goal calorie intake that fits your individual needs. As you progress towards your goal of gaining muscle or losing fat, your metabolism will change. Based on daily records of your calorie intake and body weight, our algorithm will update your goal calorie intake appropriately to make sure you are optimizing your nutrition. As our algorithm learns more about you, it will provide feedback to make sure you are following the latest evidence based nutrition recommendations.The machine learning model our algorithm uses to estimate calorie requirements is significantly more accurate than other popular models for estimating calorie requirements, we back this claim up with the results of research we conducted to prove the efficacy of our methods. LogSmarter™ blends innovative machine learning techniques, the latest evidence based recommendations and keen insight from industry experts to provide our customers with a simple and accessible platform for determining an optimal calorie intake to reach and sustain their body composition goals.