If you could do one thing differently today, one thing that could make you better than you were yesterday, what would that one thing be?Bertud provides bespoke content creation, e-learning and microlearning solutions to Recruitment and Talent Acquisition professionals. Whether it's helping recruiters tell their story to grow their influence, or giving in-house talent acquisition teams the tools and skills to adapt to a rapidly evolving job market, our mission is to bring you "one step closer to potential." Bertud means "virtue", or the little habits one undertakes to reach full potential, one day at a time, one step at a time. One of those habits is to communicate in a clear, truthful and compelling manner to achieve a desired outcome. Another is to learn continuously, to learn a little every day — but to practice a lot.If you're an aspiring or experienced recruitment / TA professional and you'd like to become better or more inspired at what you do, we'd love to hear from you. Ping us for a chat.Our website and microlearning platform are coming soon! Watch this space for updates.