In what roles does FPP Coalition serve to fulfill its Mission?The Catalyst—FPP stimulates community involvement by providing coalition partners with the knowledge, services and resources that help them engage with and inform local leaders.The Advocate—FPP influences change in public policy while supporting coalition partners as they facilitate access to local constituents. The Educator—FPP identifies, models and provides learning initiatives for coalition partners that strengthen Financial Capability for practitioners, youth and adults.The Convener—FPP inspires collaboration among business, government, academia and investor constituencies who collectively must be part of the integrated solution.The Leader—FPP leads and inspires with a talented Board, Coalition Support Staff, Operations and diverse member organizations that drive the statewide prosperity movement.The Partner—FPP actively partners with member organizations, giving them a bigger, more influential voice and increasing their capacity to impact their local communities so they may reach people where they Live, Learn, Work, Bank, Start Businesses, Get Healthy, Receive Social Services, Worship and Are Entertained.