Brisbane-based Luceo Energy has teamed up with Energex and Ergon Energy, Essential Energy, GridQube and the University of Queensland to tackle one of the biggest obstacles on the road towards more Distributed Energy Resources (DER), especially rooftop solar: what level of measurement data should be acquired to allow for an accurate assessment on how much DER can be connected safely without additional network investment? The consortium led by Luceo Energy secured $2.6 million in funding from the Australian Renewable Energy Agency (ARENA) to find a data-driven solution to the question. Known as SHIELD (Synchronising Heterogeneous Information (to) Evaluate Limits (for) DNSP's), the project will demonstrate how, by using various, already existing data sources combined with the Luceo Platform and the GridQube State Estimation software system, a safe and reliable determination on available DER hosting capacity can be made.