Ryan Peel

Brand & Marketing Lead at Kardinia Park Stadium Trust - Geelong, Victoria, N/A

Ryan Peel's Contact Details
Kardinia Park Stadium Trust
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Kardinia Park Stadium Trust logo, Kardinia Park Stadium Trust contact details

Kardinia Park Stadium Trust

Geelong, Victoria, N/A • 38 Employees
Sports Clubs/Sports Entertainment

The Kardinia Park Stadium Trust (Trust) is a statutory authority established under the Kardinia Park Stadium Act 2016. The Trust has been established to administer, promote and manage the Kardinia Park Stadium Trust Land, within an over-arching objective of contributing to the economic, community, and livability benefits to Geelong, that arise from the use of GMHBA Stadium. The Trust is responsible for the end-to-end operations and management of GMHBA Stadium, including: • Maximising the return on the State Governments past and present investments in the Stadium; • Ensuring a strategic approach to the development and use of the Stadium; • Improving operational efficiencies and reducing the operational deficit; • Proactively attracting and procuring events to the Stadium and the Geelong region; • Maximise the Stadium’s occupancy and usage; and • Create strong sustainable partnerships

Details about Kardinia Park Stadium Trust
Frequently Asked Questions about Ryan Peel
Ryan Peel currently works for Kardinia Park Stadium Trust.
Ryan Peel's role at Kardinia Park Stadium Trust is Brand & Marketing Lead.
Ryan Peel's email address is ***@kardiniapark.vic.gov.au. To view Ryan Peel's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Ryan Peel works in the Sports Clubs/Sports Entertainment industry.
Ryan Peel's colleagues at Kardinia Park Stadium Trust are Sarah Petschel, Ben Walters, Grant Jenkin, Kirsten Blake, Stephen AM, Matt McTaggart, Jamie Guppy and others.
Ryan Peel's phone number is
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