High School Student Support Services Counselor at AHM Youth & Family Services - Hebron, CT, US
Founded in 1983, AHM is a charitable, non-profit organization that provides a multitude of services to the communities of Andover, Hebron, Marlborough & Columbia.AHM's services include: helping divert teens from juvenile court, providing community drug and alcohol prevention activities, mental health counseling and social work services, youth worker programs for senior citizens, as well as many positive youth and family activities.In addition to our main office location at 25 Pendleton Drive, Hebron, we have satellite offices & programs in each of the K-12 local schools within Andover, Columbia, Hebron, Marlborough and Regional School District #8 (RHAM).For more information, visit our website at www.ahmyouth.org. We are here for YOU!