Inclusion Economics India Centre (formerly EPoD India), based at IFMR/Krea University, works closely with Inclusion Economics at Yale University, to conduct data-driven research and engage with the policy community in India to inform and encourage evidence-backed dialogues on economic and social inclusion. Inclusion Economics is a policy-engaged research initiative that began operations as an independent research centre at IFMR in November 2020, as a continuation of the body of research and policy work previously called EPoD India.Our vision is a world where research and dialogue ensure economic justice, social opportunity and environmental protection. Our mission is enabling inclusive economies and societies.Our work in India includes research engagements across multiple states and focuses on some of India's most challenging problems, ranging from pollution and climate change to women's economic engagement and engagement with technology, to supporting effective governance and building state capacity. We work in partnership with Ministry of Rural Development, Government of India, and various departments of Government of Chhattisgarh and Government of Bihar.Our offices are located in New Delhi, Patna and Raipur.