URBANET is a local not for profit, non-partisan and non-governmental organization professionally managed and committed to the principles of social justice and human rights especially of the poor and vulnerable segments of society in northern Ghana. The organization is driven by the passion to explore the potentials and opportunities available in local communities to build community resilience based on community resources and indigenous knowledge systemsVision StatementTo ensure food and nutrition security in a sustainable environment for allMission StatementURBANET was established with a mission to implement interventions that build capacities of communities through innovation and indigenous knowledge systems in securing food and nutrition in an environmentally sustainable manner. URBNET is focused and committed to dealing with challenges of increasing landlessness of smallholder farmers particularly women, impacts of climate change on food and livelihood systems, and the ever expanding youth population with low skills and livelihoods opportunities. Our broad objectives include: ● increasing production and productivity of smallholder farmers, especially women farmers● increasing competitiveness of smallholder farmers through agriculture value chains● building community resilience for sustained livelihood systems ● developing innovative financing mechanism for sustained community livelihood systemsThematic Focus1. Food and Nutrition Security- Sustainable household food and nutrition security of marginalized, especially women and children whiles considering equity and human rights2. Environment and Climate Change- Promote a whole-systems approach to food, feed, and fiber production that sustains the health of soils, ecosystems and people3. Women and Youth Empowerment- Enhance access to productive resources and creating opportunities for women and young people to live dignified lives in their communities4. Social Protection- Promote and facilitate access