Consorzio Ro.Ma. is a Vocational Education and Training provider and a business consulting organization, founded in 2003. In particular, operating in the services industry, our company performs consulting services, training, events organization, fiscal services for enterprises and scientific research. It is a certified training provider by the Lazio and Campania (Italy) Regions and is specialized in the planning, design, delivery, management, monitoring and evaluation of training paths at various levels: school, VET, Higher Education and Adult Education. Furthermore it performs master and customized training courses on the basis of the environment and customers' needs. Our mission is to bring forward innovative scenarios, constantly monitoring the cultural, economic and social context. Furthermore, our consortium wants to offer a high quality service to support local, national and European government policies related to the development of our society, focusing inter alia on the equal access opportunity to work and education and on the equal treatment of persons into our societies, without distinctions related to race, gender, nationality or religious beliefs. Following some of the project performed: • "Development of competences for freelances: civil mediation"; • "Strategies for growth into the market: innovation of processes and development of marketing"; • "MA.for.MA: marketing for businesses management" – logical framework, budget and financial reporting management; • "the project management for improving the business efficiency"; • "integrated strategy of learning for an innovative approach to the continuous training"; • "digital skill, updating and development in webmarketing and SEO"; • "growing together: training integrated paths for the children and disability assistance"; • "specialistic language training in Artemide Guide"; • "System Integrator": develop apps and new IT tools for the promotion and valorization of the cultural heritage.