Co-Chair of South Florida Branch at Women in Film & Television - Florida (WIFT-FL) - , ,
Mission Statement: Women in Film & Television-Florida (WIFT-FL) is charged with building positive images of media-makers (both women and men), empowering them to achieve their highest professional/creative potential, and helping create more job opportunities throughout the State of Florida. As an organization, we will continue to search for and retain members who have a minimum of two years experience working in the film, television and digital media industries.Membership levels include: full members/professionals (2+ years experience), "friends" (less than 2 years experience) & students (must have a current student ID).As a member of WIFT-FL, you become a member of Women in Film & Television Internation (@WIFTI_ ) a global network consisting of 10,000+ members from 44 chapters around the world. There is also an opportunity to become a dual member with NYWIFT.The Florida Chapter is currently headquartered in Orlando with branches in Tampa Bay, Miami/South Florida, Jacksonville, and Daytona Beach. We are a 501c3.Please visit our website for more information: