Instructional Support Specialist / Education Technology Consultant
The mission of Learn21, a flexible learning collaborative, is to use technology to support, share, and create new instructional delivery methods to provide high quality innovative learning experiences for students, and professional development for educators in a cost effective manner.Over the last decade anywhere, anytime learning has changed the face of education. With the eruption of mobile technologies and digital content, districts are expected to offer a variety of online and blended courses. The need for technology solutions and professional development that support digital learning has become a necessity.In 2009, a group of school districts realized that we can no longer afford to work in silos and expect to be technologically efficient and responsive. Led by a small team of educators, Learn21 was formed as a non-profit. Our mission is to provide visionary, innovative, collaborative, and cost-effective solutions in educational technology.As the Learn21 vision has spread across Ohio, so has our understanding of digital learning and effective solutions. We have assembled a team of professionals with over 20 years of instructional technology experience in K-20.We realize that K-12 school districts need…- A roadmap for success- Intentional collaboration- Professional development - Support that complements the visionOur grassroots growth in 3 years is a testimony that we listen and we care about every child in every district.