Bürosachbearbeiterin Arbeitsschutz und Brandschutz at Bundesamt für die Sicherheit der nuklearen Entsorgung (BASE) - Berlin, Berlin, Germany
Head of Devision at Federal Office for Safety of Nuclear Waste Management
Mitarbeiter Organisations- und Personalentwicklung im Bereich Fortbildung & Diversity
Deputy Head Of Department "Principles of Public Participation"
The Federal Office for the Safety of Nuclear Waste Management (BASE) is the federal regulatory and supervisory authority for radioactive waste disposal and the handling and transport of radioactive wastes. The BASE supports the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Building and Nuclear Safety in issues relating to radioactive waste management and nuclear safety.The BASE was founded in 2014. It is headquartered in Berlin. Further locations are in Salzgitter and Bonn.The tasks of the BASE are laid down in the Atomic Energy Act. They include- the regulation of the site selection procedure for a repository especially for high-level radioactive wastes and the co-ordination of the associated public participation that has to be organised,- nuclear licences for interim storage facilities and transports of nuclear fuels,- procedures under mining, water and nuclear law relating to radioactive waste disposal,- issues related to the safety of nuclear waste management, and- task-related research in these areas.