Wellness Factors' health-and-wellness program is a complete interactive employee wellness experience that integrates the efficiency of Internet tools with health-care coaching and worksite initiatives to improve employee fitness and reduce health-care costs in Canada and the US. Our corporate programs motivate and empower employees to take greater responsibility for their personal health, providing them with powerful wellness tools and access to health-care professionals.Working in the field of health and wellness since 1991, Wellness Factors has accumulated vast resources and extensive expertise in delivering highly effective employee wellness programs. Its unique integration of health sciences, continent-wide network of health-care professionals, world-class publishing division, and innovative IT Web and software development team distinguish it as a leader in the field of employee health and wellness.Explore how your company can cut health-care and health-insurance costs and boost its bottom line through investing in employee wellness. Put Wellness Factors's creativity, health-care resources, and health-and-wellness experts to work in building an employee wellness program that creates improved performance and productivity within a happier and healthier workplace culture.