Whether it's a grand challenge for humanity or a personal problem of your own, there's an idea out there that can overcome it. And you can find that idea.— Ray KurzweilWe're NurtureTech. Seeking out the next big thing is our lifeblood. We help you to understand the lay of the land, so that when opportunities do come calling, you're confident that you have everything you need to make a sound decision. Our role is simple. We discover people with pioneering ideas, and we help them to secure funding. From qualified investors like you.Together, we'll figure out what your goals are, which causes are close to your heart, and how much you'd like to invest. No pressure. We'll talk openly and honestly about things, and decide whether or not we're a good fit. Then, we can take it from there. If you'd be open to having a more detailed conversation about backing a tech startup we promote, simply DM us here.