psiholog/geÅ¡talt psihoterapeut struÄni saradnik u sekretarijatu at Komisija za vrijednosne papire F BiH - Sarajevo, Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bosnia and Herzegovina
The authority of the Commission is prescribed by the Law on Securities, Law on the Securities Commission, Law on the Registry of Securities, Law on Fund Management Companies and on Investment Funds, and Law on Business Companies. The said laws determine the following authority of the Commission: ◦ regulation of conditions and methods of securities issuances, and conditions and rules of securities trading; ◦enforcement of standards of disclosure to investors and the public on the business operations of securities trading participants, standards of corporate governance, and standards of protecting rights of investors, and enforcement of laws and other regulation on securities issuance and trading, control of operations of the stock exchange, Registry of Securities, professional intermediaries, depository banks, and fund management companies and investment funds; ◦taking measures from the authority of the Commission, pursuant to law and other regulation; ◦performance of other activities and tasks pursuant to law and other regulation.