Having worked in the healthcare industry for a combined 40 years, we came to witness the inefficiency that exists and the lack of utilization of the biggest asset healthcare has; data encompassing every aspect of the operation. We began this organization to help hospitals make the transition into utilizing its own data to make its quality of care significantly higher while dramatically reducing operational costVision:We are trying to create a paradigm shift in how healthcare operates by leveraging the power of data and machine learning to significantly improve over current way of managing a healthcare facilityWhere do we fit in?Our customers are small to medium sized hospitals and primary care groups that want to have an edge to leap frog over their competition rather than relying on incremental improvements.Product / Services:Our solutions focused on using data and the power if AI to reduce LOS, reduce supply chain expense, and precisely allocate resources without excess are designed to allow our clients to have an impact they can feel right away.