Sahar Farooqi

Elected member at The Bar Council of England and Wales - London, ENG, UK

Sahar Farooqi's Contact Details
+44 20 7242 0082
London, England, United Kingdom
The Bar Council of England and Wales
Sahar Farooqi's Company Details
The Bar Council of England and Wales logo, The Bar Council of England and Wales contact details

The Bar Council of England and Wales

London, ENG, UK • 161 Employees

The Bar Council represents barristers in England and Wales and promotes their specialist advocacy and advisory services. The Bar Council is also the Approved Regulator of the Bar of England and Wales, although we discharge our regulatory functions through the independent Bar Standards Board. The Bar Council promotes: The Bar's high quality specialist advocacy and advisory services Fair access to justice for all The highest standards of ethics, equality and diversity across the profession, and The development of business opportunities for barristers at home and abroad. The Bar Council endorses the interests of the Bar to the Government, parliamentarians, the media and other stakeholders, both domestically and internationally, and in the public interest. Our executive works in partnership with the many members of the Bar who give up their time to serve on the elected Bar Council and on committees covering issues as wide-ranging as social mobility, remuneration, international work and law reform. We are committed to upholding the highest standards of ethics, equality and diversity across the profession, as well as ensuring that the Bar can attract and retain the brightest and the best, irrespective of background. We also provide a wide range of services to our members, including online advice, training courses and practical guidance. Follow us on Twitter: @thebarcouncil

Legal Advisory Bar Association Legal Ethics Access To Justice Diversity In Law
Details about The Bar Council of England and Wales
Frequently Asked Questions about Sahar Farooqi
Sahar Farooqi currently works for The Bar Council of England and Wales.
Sahar Farooqi's role at The Bar Council of England and Wales is Elected member.
Sahar Farooqi's email address is *** To view Sahar Farooqi's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Sahar Farooqi works in the Legal/Attorney industry.
Sahar Farooqi's colleagues at The Bar Council of England and Wales are Lauren Barr, Andy Curtis, Phoebe Sarjant, Carolyn Entwistle, Damilola B., John S., Vivien Bock and others.
Sahar Farooqi's phone number is +44 20 7242 0082
See more information about Sahar Farooqi