Our Motto: Nihil obstat - " Nothing stands in the way ! " "In strength of conviction lies the foundations of many a goals and furnace of achievement can be kept alive only on fuel of continuity of strife from one milestone to another. " Conscious of the fact we have a path to walk, SAHIL- has taken measured strides each time it set a target, no matter how close or distant, we scored the goal - an untarnished track record we proudly hold. At SAHIL – Social Association of Humane Individuals for the Living – founded in 1999, as the name suggests we cultivate and promote all inclusive vision enabling our association in any given field that glares in the eye, sole criteria being it has to be associated with life - plants, animals or mankind. SAHIL - Means "a shore or a coast" and so all our projects and destination and those who come in contact with us must breathe respite, freshness, affection, empathy and oneness with all forms of life. We bring this alive at our sites and firmly and strongly believe Education is the Key to a successful transition in growth graph of any individual, society, region, nation or the the world at large. We measure success with the yardstick of Happiness and Wellness holding high human dignity and respecting all life