We offer general case management and referrals for newly arrived refugees from Africa, and from other parts of US. We help refugees obtain the services needed in order to start a life in the US and become self-sufficient by referring to shelter, transitional housing, low income housing and section 8 housing, ESL and citizenship class, job skills trainings, employment, health care, legal assistance, DSHS assistance, cash assistance, and other services needed. We help clients fill out forms such as job and school application, and other forms since over 90 % of clients have no or very limiter literacy in English and in their own native language. We provide cultural orientation to new arrivals, so that the newly arrived refugees are not that "all lost and not know what's going on." We provide on-site interpretations in Somali-English. We provide on-going case management for seniors and people who take longer time to learn English and adjust to US life. We do not have a certain time limit of when a client becomes ineligible to receive our services