Graphic Designer at Virtual Reality Systems - Nr. Sargasan Cross Road Gandhinagar, N/A, in
Virtual Reality System helps Businesses Profit by Providing Artificial Intelligence-based Solution with the help of making Machine Learning algorithms for their complex problems and to advance their products to take the first step into world of future!We develop a system that provides Deep Learning-based Data Analytics to help the organization's Decision Support System.We also help organizations by providing them unique product which combines the advance feature of Cyber Security and Artificial Intelligence technologies. How We Do :We have a team of domain experts and technology experts to build a unique and specific solutions for organizations. Domain Experts :** Certified AI and ANN experts ** A Doctor of Philosophy in Cyber Security and Foreign Science** Certified ML experts** E-commerce Domain Experts ** Stock Trading Domain Experts** Educations Domain ExpertsOur Team consists proficient IT Geek who are experts in** Python** R** Octave** Ruby n Rails** Android** iPhone** Django** Odoo** Flask For Whom We Do :We build solutions for all types of business includingSME to Very large scale Enterprises.Few of the core domains for Cyber Security :** Any size of the organization that is conscious about their important and valuable data.Few of the core domains AI and ML:** E-commerce ** Stock Trading Organization** Health based Organization** Educational Organization