Saju Thomas

Facility Manager at Epoch Elder Care - Gurugram, Haryana, India

Saju Thomas's Contact Details
["+91 9899 681 595","91 77 0189 1816"]
Epoch Elder Care
Saju Thomas's Company Details
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Epoch Elder Care

Gurugram, Haryana, India • 11 - 50 Employees
Hospital & Health Care

Epoch Elder Care is India's expert in Dementia and Assisted Living.Epoch Assisted Living Homes provide holistic, Person Centered Carethat enables elders to have the highest quality of life. At Epoch, theteam believes in focusing on the person as much as the clinicalcondition.Epoch offers assisted living, dementia care, skilled nursing care,palliative care to elders in need of 24x7 care and assistance. Theynormalise the life of elders with chronic conditions, using Person-Centered Care, whilst focusing on overall well-being and happiness.Epoch has 10 years of relevant experience in India, andfollows evidence-based global best practices. Currently, Epochoperates 3 homes in India - Vermeer House and Frida House inGurgaon, Monet House in Pune, and will be expanding the servicessoon.Epoch Elder Care is helmed by Neha Sinha, a dementia specialist,clinical psychologist and trained in palliative care philosophy fromStockholm (Sweden). She has gained international recognition forcreating dementia services in India. Epoch Homes are managed underthe expertise of registered senior nurses trained in elder and dementiacare.Epoch is a specialist trusted by families for the care of their elderlyloved ones.

Details about Epoch Elder Care
Frequently Asked Questions about Saju Thomas
Saju Thomas currently works for Epoch Elder Care.
Saju Thomas's role at Epoch Elder Care is Facility Manager.
Saju Thomas's email address is *** To view Saju Thomas's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Saju Thomas works in the Hospital & Health Care industry.
Saju Thomas's colleagues at Epoch Elder Care are Amit Ganguly, Vaibhav Bisht, Bhanu Prakash, Abhishek Mohanty, Ram Sharma, Yash Sisodiya, Abhinav Kumar and others.
Saju Thomas's phone number is ["+91 9899 681 595","91 77 0189 1816"]
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