Pergas (Persatuan Ulama & Guru-Guru Agama Islam Singapura or Singapore Islamic Scholars & Religious Teachers Association) is a Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) that envisions "Credible Leadership of ‘Ulama and Asatizah".Pergas dedicates in raising the quality of Islamic Education and Welfare of the Islamic Religious Teachers (Asatizah). The association was initiated by our senior reputable teachers (Masyaikh), amongst many were the late Kiyai Hj Zuhri Mutammim, Ustaz Hj Daud Ali, Ustaz Hj Idris Ahmad, Tuan Guru Hj Said Ibrahim and Ustaz Hj Amin Muslim.Over the years, the role of the Islamic religious teachers (Asatizah) has transformed to serve the increased expectations of the Malay/Muslim society and ever-changing da'wah landscape in Singapore. It evolved from traditional leadership roles to more diversified roles that contribute to shaping positive public opinion of the Muslim community.Scholars (‘Ulama) and religious teachers (Asatizah) today, play multiple roles by acquiring specialised knowledge in different fields. Their roles extend beyond the traditional madrasah and mosque classroom settings, allowing them to function as socio-religious scholars, lecturers, administrators, writers, research analysts, entrepreneurs, curriculum developers and professionals of various industries.