UAEFX is the most professional and objective platform for digital options trading strategies and also Forex ,Binary and stock options Auto-Trade/investment services. Currency and stock trading is presently one of the world's fastest income generator and UAEFX is an innovative investor trading organization that offers clients an easy and intuitive software and investment services to achieve 100% success in the financial market on a global scale.Ever since the birth of this organization we have built a loyal base of customers by offering our best to provide exceptional success for them all in the financial market giving them an edge over other ordinary digital traders in UAE and the world at large.FX and Stock options trading are the new and popular financial tool with great advantage and disadvantages, But UAEFX outstanding services has enabled it's traders and investors to receive significant supports in trading digital options, helping traders minimize loss and maximize profits .Financial Commitment Capitalisation of US$400 million, has allowed UAEFX to establish strong relationships with leading tier one liquidity providers; invest in leading technology and hire a global team of experienced traders and market professionals. UAEFX was established as a private company by forward thinking investors in Abu Dhabi. The company is highly capitalized which gives confidence to clients, partners and customers who, in day-to-day trading, do not want to worry about the financial health of their brokerage. The level of capitalization has also been important in providing UAE-FX with access to tier 1 liquidity and therefore the ability to give traders extremely competitive prices.Technology Online trading is driven by technology and UAE-FX is committed to offering the best trading solutions and also to maintaining long-term investment in new technology. By offering a mix of proprietary trading solutions, as well as leading white label platforms, clients are provided with options for all their trading needs.Regulation – UAE-FX is regulated by the Central Bank of the UAE and operates international standards of financial transparency. Anti-Money Laundering (AML) and Know Your Customer (KYC) processes are a central part of all client management. Middle office and back office teams are located in Abu Dhabi and run by trading experts with global market knowledge and experience.