Nun Kun Pharma (NKP) is one such company in the pharmaceutical industry which has been striving to maintain a certain standard in its execution based on honesty, dignity and hard work. Nun Kun Pharma was started in 1987 and since it's inception it has been making progress from year to year and has come a long way.It is a formidable force in providing services to hospitals and Institutions in Delhi and N.C.R . Our client list includes a strong network of the top of the line Private and Government Hospitals, Institutions in Delhi and N.C.R . The impeccable communications skill which our company field executives have acquired over a period of time with all the major doctors and various other departments in Hospitals/Institutions play an important role in purchasing and marketing of various health care items. We personally market, distribute, store and deliver various health care items according to the requirement needed at a particular point of time by any concerned institution whether it be in a bulk quantity or a just a single item whenever demanded. We believe in fair and competitive pricing and do our utmost to supply the products at the best available price in the market. Having said that, we also believe in fair play for the services and products that we provide.We believe in cultivating relationships that are of mutual benefit, both equitable and profitable for all parties concerned.