Certified Living Legacy Life Coach at Living Legacy Academy - Alton, Iowa, United States
The Living Legacy training is a powerful experience leading many to their true potential and life fulfillment! Individuals and groups from all around the world have been through the powerful transformation of Fulfill Your Legacy coaching and the processes highlighted in Awaking the Living Legacy.Remove yourself from the path of destruction and into the wake of greatness. Awaking the Living Legacy coaching teaches a systematic approach for gaining clarity and insight to who you are, and who you are designed to be. Niccie then takes you on a journey of healing and growth that awakens you to all God has to offer and then what He wants in return.Awaking the Living Legacy was inspired by Niccie's passion to infuse faith into the daily lives of those she coaches, leads, speaks to, and writes for. Niccie has broken her chapters down into six of her most sought after coaching programs. Each of these six areas are reviewed with the same systematic approach, teaching you a process for handling your days in a way that results in health, wellness, and abundance that only God can provide.Part 1: Life Purpose (I Am His & He Is Mine)Part 2: Self-esteem and Confidence (Perfectly Imperfect)Part 3: Anxiety/Overwhelmed/Chronic Pain/Fatigue, give me peace. (Wise Choices Work-Goal Setting)Part 4: Life Transition, moving on once and for all. (Mistakes Matter / Excel From Past Trials)Part 5: Lost Dreams, nobody & nothing is holding me back (Forgiveness Fulfills)Part 6: Fulfill Your Legacy, life plan & goals for YOUR future & theirs (A Legacy For You)The course may be done independently, with private monthly coaching, or with private every two-week coaching. Prices relate to how much access you have to Niccie and....