Salvatore Barone

Agronomo at Fonteverde O.P. - Chiaramonte Gulfi, Sicilia, Italy

Salvatore Barone's Colleagues at Fonteverde O.P.
Salvatore Barone's Contact Details
+39 0932 951484
Fonteverde O.P.
Salvatore Barone's Company Details
Fonteverde O.P. logo, Fonteverde O.P. contact details

Fonteverde O.P.

Chiaramonte Gulfi, Sicilia, Italy • 8 Employees

Fonteverde O.P. is a family business that currently manage over 1000 ha of cultivated land in south-eastern Sicily. Our main products are carrots (we produce "Carota Novella IGP"​), mellons, grapes, peppers and zucchini. The company was founded by Giuseppe Calabrese, a bold entrepreneur from Sicily with a real passion for farming, who has been the owner of his own farm since the 1960s. Thanks to the experience, passion and competence of the whole team, the consortium has soon achieved considerable results in terms of development and investment returns, and has grown into one of the most outstanding producers' associations in Italy.

Details about Fonteverde O.P.
Frequently Asked Questions about Salvatore Barone
Salvatore Barone currently works for Fonteverde O.P..
Salvatore Barone's role at Fonteverde O.P. is Agronomo.
Salvatore Barone's email address is *** To view Salvatore Barone's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Salvatore Barone works in the Farming industry.
Salvatore Barone's colleagues at Fonteverde O.P. are and others.
Salvatore Barone's phone number is +39 0932 951484
See more information about Salvatore Barone