Argus Group helps clients:• Align organizational design, processes, and people.• Improve the capability and capacity of the workforce.• Win business through capture and proposal strategy and leadership.Leading and supporting strategic and transformation initiatives is what we do. We help clients succeed by: • Applying project management expertise to design and manage the work.• Engaging with contributors and stakeholders to foster adoption.• Communicating effectively with executive management.Recent engagements include:• Designing a client's business development lifecycle, including concept of operations, organization design, processes and standard operating procedures, and staffing competencies and job descriptions to execute the model. • Supporting a top Fortune 500 client's reorganization of a large team, including organization design, staffing models, and competencies and job descriptions to execute the model. • Leading a top Fortune 500 client's business transformation initiative to improve the capacity and capability of a bid management organization within the context of a large business unit reorganization.