Building Response Australia is a unique Building Company which specializes in assisting Insurance Builders in improving their submission cycle with their insurers.Our services offer carrying out external assessment reports, 24/7 emergency make safes and not to mention assisting your full-time assessors with single and double roof reports when needed. As an afterhours service we can offer all three if needed and the claim will be ready on your desk awaiting submission by the morning. What an impact on your average submission it would make.The unique service combined externally is something that no one in the market can offer at such an accurate attention to detail, with an unbeatable customer service level, we know this why? Carl Ellis and Sam Lewis are both qualified builders and have both been in senior management positions with one of Australia's largest leading Insurance Builders in the country and have both worked their way up from Assessor's and Supervisor's. The positions held upon going on their own adventure were - National Training Manager and Assessing Manager for Northern New South Wales, Queensland and Northern Territory. Their positions involved working together in training new staff in processes, training policy, creating branches cost/ estimating guides, ensuring accurate and correct assessment reports/scopes were submitted form the assessing team, KPI's were met and built relationships with the insurers, partner coaches and technical specialists. Building Response has the technical ability to cater for your service, needs and ensuring that your scorecards stay above your competitors.