Summit Housing Group (SHG) is a growing development company based in beautiful Western Montana. We specialize in low-income housing tax credit (LIHTC), Class A Apartments and mixed-use developments. To date, SHG has built, been awarded, or has under construction 32 LIHTC and mixed-use properties (1,646 units) spanning Montana, South Dakota, Utah, Nebraska, Colorado, and Wyoming. We also have 1,000 units of Class A Apartments being built over the next 2 years. We are excited to announce that our fourth development in Colorado, Academy Place Apartments is fully leased up with a waiting list that will be completed shortly. Summit Housing Group is involved in all aspects of development, including:Site selectionEngineeringArchitectureConstructionMarketingMangementOur continued growth and success is made possible by our great staff and dynamic partnerships with institutions and organizations working together to ensure quality housing throughout the US.