Pinnacle Ecological, Inc. (Pinnacle) is an environmental science consulting company supporting permit acquisition and compliance for estuarine, coastal, and offshore marine development activities. With a global reach, Pinnacle provides environmental science services for government and private industry. Pinnacle's unique expertise focus on environmental impact assessments, benthic assessment and monitoring surveys, habitat characterization and GIS mapping, field-data collection and QA/QC data management, environmental permitting and permit compliance, coastal hydrodynamics, marine habitat restoration, and scientific dive safety training and management. Pinnacle is recognized by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary (FKNMS) as leaders in seagrass and coral reef studies including damage assessment and habitat restoration. In 2008, NOAA honored Pinnacle's scientists with the prestigious Presidential Partnership Award recognizing their dedicated contributions to the Coral Rescue, Relocation, Nursery, and Beneficial Use Program in the FKNMS. Pinnacle's continued commitment and service to our clients includes implementing sound scientific methodology, producing exemplary peer reviewed scientific reports, and designing effective avoidance and mitigation measures which contribute to streamlining the environmental permit process and maintaining project schedules.