Practice Architect - BigData, DevOps, Cloud, Functional & Object Oriented Programming
Senior Architects® is an innovative, modern, transformative and research oriented Architects-led next generational one stop shop for your Information Technology Architecture, Engineering, Development, Consulting, Staffing and Full Life Cycle needs. We will work with your business and operating models of any size, will commit and complement in the long journey ahead. We're a "Focus, Practice & Services" organization which truly believes in these business essentials based on a stronger Vision, Mission & Value propositions. Key Skillset Areas & Primary Advisory Services that we focus are: Large scale Digital Transformations, Cloud Enablement, Advanced Automation & Analytics are few areas to highlight.Please browse through the website and email to to understand depth and breadth and how we can help.Latest TechDigital Transformations, Cloud (Native, Private, Public, PaaS, IaaS, SaaS), DevOps, New UI, Mobility, BigData, Analytics & Cognitive Legacy TechWeb Servers, App Servers, Messaging Servers, Cache, Database, Directory, Content Servers & Applications under Unix, Linux, Windows, Mainframe, AS/400, Other Hardware, Software, Network environments Cool ProductsCOTS - AWS, Azure, Pivtoal, SoftLayer, Salesforce, OpenStack, OpenShift, Rackspace, APIGee, APIConnect, Pega, MuleSoft, TIBCO, Mashery, HortonWorks, MongoDB, Aerospike, Cassandra, Tableau, CyberArk, Protegrity, OpenText, Adobe AEM, CS Studio, More...SaaS - COTS + Bespoke in the CloudPartnership Business ModelOffshore Development CentersBoutique ConsultingLead GenerationsSaving Opportunity CostShared Opportunity OwnerMarketing AssistanceR&D CentersTechnology & Research Institutes