Support services for each individual are funded by federal and state public financing. CSI meets and exceeds service requirements as defined in Oregon Administrative Rules for adults with Intellectual/Developmental Disabilities. CSI has a strong commitment to this public policy of ensuring that our facilities and programs are safe and secure places to live and work, and where residents are protected from abuse. Residents are encouraged to express personal choice about independence of living within their capabilities. CSI staff ensures that appropriate medical services are accessed when and as needed by each resident. Emotional and physical issues are evaluated promptly and are incorporated into individual care plans. Each residential program has a vehicle assigned & equipped to accommodate special mobility needs in order to transport residents safely to locations of work, the community, and other needed services. Frequent access to families/friends, recreation, and other community experiences are facilitated and individualized through this assigned vehicle program. CSI managers monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of our programs through self-assessment visits to each site to ensure compliance with OARs and Individual Support Plans. The Quality Assurance tools used by CSI include electronic documentation, tracking staff performance against service criteria, and monitoring ISP goals. Each CSI facility has an experienced supervisor to train and guide their staff in methods which best serve each resident's needs and which ensures a safe, caring living environment. We take pride in what we do for our residents, and are equally proud of our staff members who serve them.